One Chance Campaign

One Chance Campaign

For 23 years the JCF has leased, from a private landowner, 17 acres of farmland in the very center of Conanicut Island. With his permission and support we have built farm infrastructure and created a productive agricultural operation that recognizes, protects and enhances the excellent farm soils that exist naturally on this property. We have accomplished this because of the support of the Community, both providing most of the volunteer labor and the necessary financial resources necessary for success.

The land development pressure in Jamestown is intense and clearly jeopardized the future of the Jamestown Community Farm. In 2023 our Board of Directors initiated a fund-raising campaign aimed at securing the necessary funds to permanently protect from development this very productive and beautiful farmland. We named the campaign “One Chance” and with the support of the community and the state and local governments we are moving forward, and we invite your support.

Jamestown Community Farm
40 Eldred Avenue
Jamestown, RI 02835

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